What do you think of interoffice dating?


Knocked Up and Pissed Off

Yesterday was an incredibly moving, beautiful and historic day for the world. I look forward to watching those beautiful girls grow up as our First Family and I am so glad our generation of children will not have to endure the pain of what our fathers and grandfathers had to be part of. It will now be our duty as parents to teach our children to understand the significance of yesterday's inauguration. We have made history! It is so nice to see young children running in the halls of the White House! I secretly hope for one more Obama baby! (He He.. That was a Shout out to my pregnant and post partum girls!)

This one is for you and me and everyone else that has experienced the stupid and outrageous crap that people really do STILL say to you in the workplace. Coming from a seasoned HR professional you would expect me to say, this really doesn't happen very much- but I can tell you "first hand" after having a baby it DOES happen EVERY SINGLE day... Please pay attention and for the love of who ever you pray to - Please pay attention to the things you say to expecting parents.

Here are some tips:

  • Don't badger a pregnant employee about the amount of time she/he is planning to take off. She/He cannot possibly know the exact answer to this ahead of time and in many cases may need to determine this after the birth depending on the health of the baby and mom (consider surgical complications, health issues, etc.). It is certainly reasonable to ask for a plan and get that plan in writing, but do realize unexpected changes can arise.

  • One of the classics from a co-worker was when a he approached me about presenting at a seminar and I told him that I would be out on maternity leave. His reply: "You will still be out then? You are having the baby in July. The event is in September. How long are you going to be out for?" Me: Explains that I will be taking 5-6 weeks off work and then work from home until baby starts daycare at 4 months at which time I will be returning to work full-time (office). Him: "OMG- that is a LONG time!!, I cannot believe you are going to be gone that long!" Me- Thinking... Um excuse me? First of all have you heard of a Federal Law called the Family and Medical Leave Act, not to mention State leave laws? Secondly, the working arrangement I have pre approved is not really something that is any of your business, that is between my supervisor and I. I am sure this particular person did not mean harm by this, but seriously- just watch what you say!

  • A definite No No... and another fav of mine..when a member of management said " I don't know how she is going to travel (meaning do her job) and breast feed." Whoaaaaaa charlie. How is this a conversation for anyone else to be having?? And furthermore, who says a traveling Mama can't breastfeed/pump on the go?

  • Drum Roll Please............. This one is really a good one.. and it was witnessed by other colleagues" So are you going to lose the wise-ass attitude when you give birth or do you plan on keeping that?"

O.k these are just the things that come to mind quickly and things that were said to ME, I should really do some in depth thinking I am sure I could come up with many more treats. You get the point. Please think before you speak- especially to a hormonal, tired, over worked, prego employee. And you just might want to familiarize yourself with some discrimation laws.


  1. NO KIDDING! Kudos! And I loved the title. Who did the last one? Sounds like me, but you would have laughed...not blogged.

  2. LOL! You should have said "I'm going to keep it thank you." and just continued doing whatever you were doing. Some people are just missing that BTM (brain to mouth) filter.
