O.k. so while I was packing for Christmas I almost fainted. I was watching CNN and suddenly the future leader of the free world popped up on my flat screen (I know you are thinking, so what?) ... but here is the thing- he was only wearing shorts. At first I thought- How darn inappropriate for them to show our President in this manner- he is trying to vacation with his family before occupying the most stressful job in the world! I must admit, I am not a sucker for a muscle head. Those kinds of boys are just not my thing. But, OMG is he is quite beautiful, just absolutely smooth. Was this picture appropriate for the media to take with their super duper lenses? I am not sure. Was I drooling over our President elect? Yep, I sure was. So this gets me on my next topic of what not to do on your next interview.
Here are some things you should not do on your next interview:
1. Tell your prospective employer how bat shit crazy your boss is. Yes, I know we have all had those bosses, it is just part of life. I believe you when you say she made you do degrading errands that were NOT part of your job description. I believe you when you say that she broke all kinds of laws in her supervisory capacity and I believe she swore at you regularly and may have even threatened you under her breath. Here you are looking at your next job opportunity- it will serve you no good to complain about how terrible management has been to you in your next interview. Trust me on this one, everyone has had a bad manager or supervisor at one time and possibly many times. And whatever YOU DO, do not explain that you are in litigation or in the process of suing the company for harassment or something along those lines. That is better suited as a conversation between yourself and your attorney. It is generally not an appropriate conversation to have in an interview forum. (Some exceptions may apply based on your field and nature of work- consult with your attorney on this).
2. Don't over do the cologne or perfume, in fact why risk annoying anyone with a smell that might make them want to vomit? A good smell to you might be a very very very bad smell to someone else. Ivory soap and clean and fresh shampoo along with clean clothes and some deodorant will most likely do the trick. Since I tend to obsess over lint and animal hair, do me a favor and bring a lint brush with you for the ride. It never hurts to de-lint yourself right before the face to face.
I will never forget the lady I interviewed that smelled like a bottle of watermelon perfume, it made me so sick I could not focus on the interview. She told me she accidentally spilled the bottle on herself. (Could this be a cover up for something else?) hmmm.. Needless to say, she was not selected as a finalist.
3. Please think of something creative when asked about best and worst qualities. I am not even going to elaborate on this one. O.k. a small hint...opportunity.
4. If they ask if you have questions and you say no, you probably shouldn't be hired. Seriously.
5. Always send a thank you note. Handwritten is best. (Don't get me started on people who fail to write thank you notes- this could be a new blog coming soon)
Off to google that pic of the pecs.
Questionnaire for everyone who stopped talking to me
8 months ago